August 8, 2013 | by Sara Speen

Our designer, Nicole has recently attended the APLD international design conference in Detroit!  We will be posting highlights from the trip here on our news section.

Pictured here is Lafayette Gardens, a unique feature in downtown Detroit showcasing a beautiful garden using reclaimed material for sustainability.

Lafayette Greens is not only green space and fresh organic produce; the garden has several green features included in its design.

  Urban biodiversity  – A wide variety of plants; vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruit trees and a native plant meadow bring biodiversity to the urban environment enriching habitat and experience.

  Careful water use  – Drought tolerant fescue lawn and efficient drip irrigation with raised bed growing conserves water.

*  Bioswale  – Storm water management with a native Redtwig Dogwood bioswale that captures, slows and helps to filter storm water runoff. Pervious lawn and gravel surfaces reduce runoff and increase infiltration on the site.

  Materials re-use – Concrete waste, pallet wood, salvaged doors, recycled steel and re-used steel drums are all part of the garden design.

Lafayette Greens expands the conversation on how food, flower and herb production in the city can look and function. A new way to think about urban gardening. Growing food can be beautiful, healthy and inspiring, adding healthy green space, meaning and richness to city living. Lafayette Greens can show you how.