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Harvesting Your Garden’s Crops at the Perfect Time This Fall

The weather changes quickly in Ann Arbor MI, and it does not give much warning to the purveyors who love gardening and farming when it is going to change. Therefore, it is necessary to keep an eye on the progress of a garden throughout the season so that the vegetables and fruits are being harvested at their peak ripeness. The following tips and tricks will help you when harvesting your garden’s crops at the perfect time this fall.

Why does it matter when I pick my crops?
Harvesting crops at their peak of ripeness will deliver the best flavor and the most nutrients possible from the foods that you work so hard to grow. Picking foods that are under ripe or over ripe may result in a waste of food.

What are the signs that I need to pick my crops?
As the season progresses in Ann Arbor MI, many types of produce can be harvested. Look for the signs listed below for picking produce at it’s best when you are gardening.

Knowing when to harvest a garden is sometimes a hit or miss situation. When doing your gardening in Ann Arbor MI, it is important to know when to save your produce from the throws of winter. Following these simple tips will ensure that you have a healthy and hearty harvest from your garden this year.

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