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Frost Versus Freeze

Frost occurs when surfaces reach a temperature at or below freezing level. Once surfaces reach this level, they are covered in a multitude of tiny ice crystals. However, windchill can also contribute to a frost occurring by freezing the moisture within plants. When ice crystals occur, the proper term is “hoarfrost.”

While a freeze means temperatures drop significantly below freezing, regardless of causing or not causing ice crystals. Although geography determines when a freeze is declared, typically a freeze warning occurs when the temperature will be sub-freezing for long enough to damage vegetation.

Differences Between a Frost and Freeze

While the two terms are related, a frost is typically regarded as milder than a freeze, generally ranging in temperature from 36 to 32 degrees F. Freezes, on the other hand, entail at least a 4/5 chance temperatures will drop below 32 degrees F.

Furthermore, frosts typically occur on clear nights, when there are no clouds to retain heat from the day. Freezes are associated with high levels of cold wind and minimal humidity. Both frosts and freezes come in varying degrees.

Kinds of Frosts and Freezes

Protecting Vegetation

If you are interested in learning about ways to protect your landscape this winter, contact Twin Oaks Landscape today!

Categories: HOAWinter ServicesYard Maintenance