May 19, 2014 | by Sara Speen

????????????One of the many pleasures of living in Ann Arbor is witnessing the dramatic shifts in scenery that come with the change of seasons. But, have you ever wished you could extend your backyard enjoyment a little further into fall or begin a little earlier in spring? You can, with an outdoor fireplace.

Bring some indoor comfort to the outdoors

You already have a nice patio or deck, or maybe you’re just in the planning stage. Either way, imagine your family and friends sitting comfortably on your patio furniture, favorite beverage in hand, in front of your beautiful and warming fireplace. Now imagine it’s October. Wouldn’t that be great?

An fireplace is a far cry from a campfire. For one thing, you won’t be running from the smoke every time the wind changes. And you won’t be sitting on a log or a cooler – you’ll be sitting on your Adirondack deck chair or your comfy chaise lounge.

There’s a style for every taste and budget

Indoor/outdoor fireplaces are perfect for year round use. They still extend your time outdoors in the fall, but can come inside with you when winter settles in.Patio Fireplace

Portable fire pits come in many sizes and styles and are a step up from campfires but not quite to the level of a fireplace.

And then there’s the outdoor fireplace that becomes part of the architecture of your home.

Ann Arbor residents are fiercely proud of their community. And they love their homes. A fireplace that reflects the homeowner’s taste and the house’s style increases both enjoyment and value.

  • They can be built from wood and stone, stacked stone, brick and poured concrete. A landscaping expert can advise you on the best materials to use.
  • You can choose styles from rustic, traditional, bold, ultra-modern or something eclectic that suits your own personal style.
  • There are 2-sided and 3-side fireplaces that allow for more seating.
  • A raised hearth can also provide additional seating.
  • It can make the back of your house even more appealing than the front.

If you insist on functionality too

An fireplace isn’t a grill or a barbecue, but you can cook quite a few things with the right utensils. Before you can cook, you need to wait for the flames to die down. Use a rake or fireplace shovel to distribute the coals and you’re ready to go.Diedrich with plants

  • A long handled roasting fork is good for hot dogs or marshmallows.
  • Chestnut roasters and popcorn provide a warm snack in minutes. Just fill the basket, hold it over the coals, and let your fireplace do the work.
  • Pie irons can be used to make pies or grilling sandwiches.
  • If you’re serious about cooking in your fireplace, you can purchase a camp style cast iron dutch oven.

You’ve dreamed of enjoying a brisk fall evening outdoors without shivering. You love having your friends over after a day of enjoying the art galleries in downtown Ann Arbor. Wouldn’t it be great to end the day relaxing comfortably in front of a warm fire?