October 20, 2022 | by Sara Speen

Soggy lawns due to poor drainage are common in areas where the clay content in the soil is high. Many homeowners in the area have just resigned themselves to living with a soggy lawn, but poor drainage can cause more problems than wet grass. When you ignore the problem, you may be facing more serious damage.

Lawn chairs in a flooded yard

Soil Erosion

When there is too much water on the surface because of poor drainage, the topsoil will wash away and cause soil erosion. Topsoil is necessary to allow the grass to take root and soak up nutrients from the soil. Without a good layer of topsoil, the grass won’t grow effectively. This is usually worse on hills where the soil can slide downhill after a rainstorm.

Fungal Diseases

Fungi loves water and grows well in damp conditions and will cause diseases that can infect and kill your grass. Too much moisture in your lawn can cause brown patches, spots on your grass blades, powdery mildew, and red thread. Applying fungicides can help, but are really just a band aid solution if your lawn conditions are right for fungal growth.

Pest Infestations

Certain pests love waterlogged conditions and will thrive. Mosquitoes are the most common, but fleas, grubs, leatherjackets, termites, and carpenter ants will also thrive in soggy conditions and are much more than just an annoyance. These pests will feed on grass roots, infest the structure of your home and outdoor hardscapes, and bite your family and pets. Insecticides and pest control can only do so much. Treating the drainage and getting rid of the soggy spots is a much better way to make sure you aren’t inviting pests onto your property.

Soggy, Weedy, Lawns

When there is excess water, weeds are competing with the grass for resources. In a healthy lawn, the grassroots will get to the water first and the weeds won’t get the resources they need to take over. But with a soggy lawn, weeds can get what they need and quickly spread, turning your grass into a soggy, weedy patch. Once weeds are rooted, they are difficult to get rid of without pulling by hand to get the roots. Some herbicides can kill weeds, but they aren’t the best solution.

Poor Quality Grass

Nutrient deficient grass is common in soggy lawns, as the excess water will cut off the grass’s access to oxygen and will cause the necessary nutrients to wash out of the soil. Without the right nutrients, the grass will grow weak and turn yellow or brown. Solving the drainage issue is really the only way to help your grass get access to nutrients, as many lawn treatments are ineffective in soggy conditions.

How a Drainage Contractor Can Help

If you have heavy clay soil, as many in the area do, addressing the drainage is really the only way to help you solve these problems for good. A drainage contractor can come out and assess your soil and determine the right treatment to get rid of the excess water that is causing all the problems in your lawn. French drains, rain gardens, and dry creek beds are all effective solutions to excess water. Installing these systems is an involved process that requires a professional, and a drainage contractor is the best place to start.

If you are struggling with the fallout from excess water in your yard, finding a drainage solution will fix your problems not only now, but well into the future. A drainage contractor will work with your property to get the soggy conditions cleared up so your lawn can thrive. If you’re tired of having unusable outdoor spaces due to poor drainage, contact Twin Oaks Landscape today.